Returns Policy

Returns Policy

This policy covers items that are faulty or incorrect at the time of delivery or you have changed your mind on receiving the items.

If your item was working at the time of delivery and has subsequently become faulty then this is covered under our Warranty Policy. Please Click on the link so we can help.

We will always endeavour to assist you to choose products that are compatible and appropriate for your needs.  Although we make every effort to provide as much advice as possible, we are limited by the information we receive from you.  Please choose carefully when purchasing, as we may not always be able to provide a refund or replacement if you change your mind.

We recommend upon receiving your goods that you immediately inspect any items that are delivered to you or that you collect to ensure you are completely satisfied that the goods are of acceptable quality, and match the description we have provided to you.

Please contact us to discuss the return of the item and have your invoice number ready so we can process your request.   

We will not accept postage or courier charges that have not been arranged by us unless it has been approved by us prior to the item being returned. In general this is only for items that have been supplied incorrectly by us.

If you receive a faulty item, Please call the ALS-TS office (02) 4072 6145 or email us as soon as practical and we will make necessary arrangements to either repair or replace the item.  

The postage costs of faulty items are usually not covered under warranty, please see the manufacturer's warranty statement for details. The original item must be returned before a replacement item is dispatched.

If we cannot repair or replace your item we may offer you a similar alternative or refund your purchase.

4.   If you received an incorrect Item

Call or email us at your earliest convenience.  If you receive an incorrect item, you must contact us in the first instance.  The item can be returned on the condition that it is unused and unopened with the original packaging intact.

5.   If you wish to return or exchange an item

Call us.  Generally speaking we do not provide refunds if you change your mind and no longer want the item, this includes if the item is not compatible with your equipment or you ordered the wrong part accidentally.  At our discretion, we may offer a refund for items excluding a 20% restocking fee on the item.  Alternatively we may be able to offer a credit note against another purchase.  For an exchange to be considered the item you purchased must be unused and unopened with the original packaging intact.

Any postage costs or fees relating to the return or the exchange of an item must be paid for by the customer.

6.  What we do not refund

Please note that we do not refund:

  • returned items that are lost in transit - shipping insurance is the recipient's responsibility, please contact us if you want it arranged on your behalf
  • delivery costs of the original purchase
  • insurance charges

We may change this policy from time to time by updating this page. You should check this page regularly to ensure that you are up to date with any changes.